Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WOW Leveling Guide

To get started, you'll have to set up your game. You'll have to choose your character and faction. Then you'll begin in Elwynn Forrest, which is in the North Shire Glade. I strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with this area to begin with. Then you'll see that there are some wolves all over the place. Make sure that you kill these wolves and keep doing this until you see that you've reached level 3. This part is very easy!

Right, so you're at level three now, it's a great time to repair andy damage that might have occured, and also it's time that you got yourself some new armour. This will be very helpful later on. Now it's time to go on to your first quest: A threat within. After that you'll do the Kobold Camp Cleanup quest. Finally, after finishing these, you'll be more than ready to embark on twho more quests: Eagen Peltskinner and Wolves Across the border.

In order to get to level four, I recommend that you grind more wolves until your have picked up eight wolf meat items. Or, you might want to grind Kobold's Vermins to get to level 4. Either way, once you get there, you will need to turn your quests in, and proceed to take the next one that is offered to you. Next grind the Kobold Workers in your area, so as to quickly level up to five.

Next you'll need to complete a further sevel quests, so that you can advance yourself to level seven. All of these quests are relatively easy and won't take you more than a matter of hours to get through.

You'll move even faster if you grind wheever you can.

Level Faster In WOW using our Wow Leveling Guide

Getting from level 7 to 30 is quite straight forward. All that is needed if you is that you take every quest that is offered and then turn them in so that you receive the follow ups. Also, you can grind to help your score increase and that will help you earn more experience points.

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