Monday, December 1, 2008

Get rid of Antivirus 2009

As a computer repair expert I do my best to track common threats and learn as much as possible about new and existing threats.  Over just the last 2 weeks we have seen a huge surge in antivirus 2009.  Because of this we have written a few guides to help people understand this threat and teach them how to fully remove this as well.

For a more detailed guide head over to here to our remove antivirus 2009 page.  There you will find a very detailed hands on guide that takes you step by step in the removal process.  You should note that you may need to purchase software to fully remove other threats as well.

Being infected with Antivirus 2009 is a clear indication that you have other threats installed on your computer as well.  It is very common to have Vundo and the zlob trojan as well.

That is why we do reccomend that if you are not tech savvy to hire a pro.  I know how hard it can be to have your computer in a shop and hiring a tech to come out can cost upwards of 300 dollars.  Here is a great online antivirus 2009 removal company that removes viruses and spyware online.The very affordable removal price is great but I love the fact that you can have your computer repaired then and there on the spot.This is my personal favorite computer repair company.

The most annoying thing about antivirus 2009 is how it constantly re-directs you to their home page.  I know you are with me on this.The bogus scan results are nothing to pay attention to as they do not list what you are really infected with.  They try to make the user think they are being hacked in the hopes your emotions will get the better of you and you hand over your credit card information.Microsoft themselves have gotten involved trying to bring this company down because the problem is so bad.  Unfortunately this never ends.  You should consider purchasing real time protection to fully remove this threat and so you do not get infected again.Our removal guides located on the site highlighted above is sure to get you on your way.

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