Saturday, November 1, 2008

CNC Mill Overview


A machine tool that shapes metal and other types of solid materials is called a milling machine. A CNC milling machine does this automatically once a computer sets up the specifications for the machine, it uses a rotating cutter to work like a drill to cut the material.

There is a difference between a drill and a milling machine however. A milling machine will use a cutter that rotates around a spindle axis and the table by which the piece of work is attached. A drill only moves along an axis and can only drill in one direction. A milling machine can move sideways and in and out like a drill.

The CNC milling machine can be controlled evenly by what is put into the computer. Miling Machines can actually work in different ways as some milling machines the table moves around the cutter. CNC milling machines are digitally automated but other milling machines can be mechanically automated or operated manually.

A CNC Milling machine makes the operator's work easier because it can do a number of operations like panning, rebating, drilling, routing and more. Often a cutting fluid has to be used at the site of the cut because it needs to keep the metal cool and the cut lubricated; also it is used to move the sluice out of the way.

In CNC Mill you will have a block of material that will be cut through by a rotating tool attached to the machine. You can actually move the piece in three dimensions all together so that you get the cut and shape that you want.

An operator can produce many different shapes with a CNC milling machine. For instance, if you have a 2D shape with an intricate pattern you can program the machine to do this pattern and repeat it as needed. The machine will also do 3D shapes, do different types of punches and even use a laser (usually a CNC Plasma Cutter).

Most metals and hard plastics are the best materials to use with a CNC milling machine because they can withstand the rigors of how the machine cuts. Softer materials are not able to stand up to the pressure of the process.

The CNC Mill machine is best used when you need a short run of materials to be produced. This process also needs only a software program to do the tooling and some type of jig to hold the work down while it is being cut. The machine is programmed using G-Codes for more precision.

CNC Milling Machines today have gone from a single source where today there are build to do a variety of things. As an example, Datron Dynamics sells a CNC milling machine that does all of the milling needs but also does industrial engraving. This machine can engrave on most metals including
Aluminum, graphite and stainless steel, but it can also engrave on ceramics and plastics.

The CNC Milling machine is a versatile machine and it can create many different parts while saving the company and the operator time and money.

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