No matter if you have taken all the required precautions, when a server or a hard drive fails you can guarantee that the search for a company to sort out the problem will be the foremost thing on most peoples minds, but how do you choose the best comapny to do the job for you?
Choosing the right data recovery company is vital to ensure your data has the maximum chance of being successfully restored.
The company that gets your vote should have dedicated Data recovery staff that are professionally trained for the required task
Data recovery and file restoration should be the main focus of their day to day activities and not a task that they undertake every once in a while when they get a job in.
A true data recovery lab will be able to successfully recover data from Servers, Laptop’s, Desktop’s, CD/DVD’s and all other types of storage media, not simply just from a failed hard drive
Top tier data recovery companies will be at the cutting edge and will be carrying out their own research and developments Changes to hard drive specifications or new tools are often unavailable so companies need to self develop.
If they are leaders in data solutions they should also be able to offer a full gamut of data recovery services including full server and raid recovery capabilities. If the company are an industry leader they will also offer a call out service as this is often a key requirement for server and raid data recovery.
Top tier recovery specialist companies will also have there own onsite or country based lab facility for use if drive stripping is required. This should be at the latest recommended certified ISO class 3 environment.
In the event of your drive needing to be stripped down you need to know who is actually handling your data and is it secure? Having to send your drive to another country for assessment should not be a requirement in this day and age.
In summary your data has a huge value both on a personal and business basis so don’t rush in and make sure you ask the right questions to give you the best chance of getting your data back.
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