Thursday, August 28, 2008

Atomic Clock Thermometer: Telling A Lot More Than The Time Of Day

Most people are aware of the fact that atomic clocks are able to provide the most accurate time and they are able to do so because of measuring time through keeping track of vibrations within certain atoms. A special kind of atomic clock that has recently found many buyers is the atomic clock thermometer that can provide accurate readings about current temperature and even humidity levels, and of course, can also provide the most accurate time as well.

Helps Travelers

One of the reasons that atomic clock thermometers are very popular is that they help travelers know the time, temperature as well as humidity and that in turn means being able to dress according to conditions in the outdoors. There are different types of atomic clock thermometers and among these are those that work without needing any wires to connect the thermometer or hygrometer or even the barometer.

You can use an atomic clock thermometer to measure the temperature within a home or outside the home and such clocks can also display relative humidity and air pressure as well as show pressure trends. Some models of the atomic clock thermometer also have UV sensors that help to display the quality of indoor air and will also provide information about pollen dust as well as other forms of airborne matter.

If you like, you can choose to buy an atomic clock thermometer that can be mounted on a wall or you may want to choose one that stands on its own. Such clocks also have their own menu (interactive) that displays information regarding rainfall in the previous hour and even in the past twenty-four hours, and it can also show history of rainfall during the week gone by as well as for the last month.

It is also possible to buy an atomic clock thermometer that can also provide information about the speed and direction as well as gust of wind and they can also display various symbols signifying various weather conditions including sunny weather, cloudy weather, fair weather and rainy weather.

It is also possible to connect an atomic clock thermometer to a personal computer in order to gather information regarding weather conditions, which can then be analyzed as well as studied to obtain more insights about the weather in your immediate vicinity.

Another option in atomic clocks is the world atomic clock that provides you with the most accurate time no matter in which part of the world you happen to be.

Some advanced atomic clock thermometers are even capable of predicting snowfall or fog or even frost and they even have alarm systems which can be pre-set to different temperatures – both for within the home as well as without it.

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